Fat burners are a type of sports supplement for weight loss, namely fat burning. Supplements are able to remove excess fluid from the body, increase body temperature, which burns fat, improve metabolic processes, suppress appetite and provide energy. Each type of medicine works in its own way, one is more effective as an energy drink, another as a fat burner, and the third acts as a diuretic.
How it works

The functions of fat burners are to improve metabolism by raising body temperature, they contribute to the removal of excess fluid, accelerate the process of transporting and breaking down fats for energy. Fat burner, entering the body, affects the central nervous system, sometimes accompanied by irritability, increases the efficiency of the body. That is, he works as an energy engineer. Manufacturers have begun to produce thermogenics based on ECA supplements (ephedra extract, caffeine, aspirin). The substances increase excitability and body temperature by starting the process of lipolysis, among other things, provide additional energy for training.
Types of fat burners
Depending on the action and composition, there are several types of fat burners. Everyone works differently, but some work well in pairs, complementing each other.
This type of fat burner is aimed at blocking, preventing the absorption of calories or carbohydrates and fats from the digestive tract.
Also called thermogenic, they contribute to increased heat production, ie body temperature, evidence of this may be increased sweating. Due to this action of the drug fats are burned, metabolism is increased. Thermogenics suppress appetite well, which also helps speed up fat burning. The drug is harmless in the recommended doses, but is contraindicated in hypertension.
Anorexics or anaroxygens suppress appetite, block the feeling of hunger and affect the satiety center. This reduces the intake and amount of food eaten, respectively, the weight is reduced. The action of anorexics is found in thermogenics, which also suppress appetite.
Drugs that promote fat burning, improve metabolic processes, help speed up the removal and transport of fat from the body as energy. One of these types is L-carnitine, the drug is harmless, it is canceled only in case of individual intolerance.
Protein (protein) - a sports supplement, serves as an additional source of protein in case of inadequate and untimely nutrition. Protein itself does not affect the process of burning fat, but due to the small amount of calories, it serves as a substitute for light food, as a result of which fat is burned. But only if the diet is balanced. Protein does not inhibit fat burning. With a high-calorie diet, protein intake becomes meaningless. One serving of protein contains about 25 grams of pure protein.

Side Effects
The main side effects of fat burners include:
- excitability;
- insomnia;
- hyperactivity;
- arrhythmia;
- hypertension;
- renal, hepatic failure;
- diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
Sports nutrition for weight loss for women
Fat burners for weight loss for women are helpers in weight loss, they directly burn fat stores, or block the absorption of substances, or suppress appetite. But their action can be ineffective in poor nutrition. Excess calories, simple carbohydrates, including sugar, fat - everything will slow down the action of drugs.
Do not resort to fat burners with an unbalanced diet. Only after adjusting the diet and adding physical activity, such as speeding up the process, you can add a fat burner. It is better to use the medicine in the morning or before training, this will help you add extra energy during training.
The principles of proper nutrition:
- Eliminate simple carbohydrates (pastries, flour, starchy foods) from your diet;
- Carbonated beverages (water, alcohol);
- We remove from the diet sausages, sausages, smoked meats, lard;
- We exclude fatty meat - pork, lamb;
- From simple carbohydrates in the morning we leave fruits or dried fruits;
- After dinner, give preference to protein and fiber: meat, seafood, dairy products, eggs, vegetables;
- Do not overeat, portions should be small;
- On an empty stomach, drink a glass of purified water or a fat-burning drink of your choice half an hour before a meal;
- Leave more protein and vegetables (fiber) in your diet;
- Eat small meals with a short break of no more than 3 hours;
- Eat compatible foods: cereals, grains + vegetables; protein (meat, fish) + vegetables;
- Eat 3-4 hours before bedtime;
- Food should be baked, boiled or steamed;
- Eat less salt, up to 2 grams per day.
Only when all the requirements are met, it makes sense to speed up the process of lipolysis (fat burning) with the help of fat burners. Do not forget about physical activity, physical activity will expend more energy, respectively - to lose weight.
Drinks for weight loss
If we talk about the effectiveness of weight loss drinks in terms of fat burning, then this method is ineffective and more often manufacturers are fraudsters, presenting their products as a great way to lose weight. Their effect can be considered indirect, as some drinks (green tea, coffee) can improve metabolism or provide energy to fight overweight, but do not break down fat.
Fat burners in a drugstore
Pharmaceutical preparations may have a dosage lower than that offered by the manufacturers of the special additives. The active substance for high-quality fat burning requires more than is contained in the pharmaceutical preparation. For example, L - carnitine, contains 1000 mg of active ingredient per serving from manufacturers of sports nutrition, in a pharmaceutical preparation - many times less.
There are also drugs that are not designed to burn fat, but contribute to the weight loss process. Athletes for fat burning often use a special pharmacy drug designed to treat bronchial asthma, but which affects the process of burning fat, is prescribed by a doctor. Currently, the drug is manufactured by branded manufacturers of sports nutrition.

fat burning products
Harmless and quite effective way to deal with excess weight can be a diet of foods that burn fat. Their effect is that their digestion requires more energy (calories) than it comes from themselves - this is called negative calorie content. The product itself will not break down fat, but due to its low calorie content it will provide an energy deficit, which means weight loss. These products include:
- Broccoli;
- Asparagus;
- zucchini;
- squash;
- Cauliflower and white cabbage;
- Cucumber;
- Celery;
- Radish;
- Chile;
- Spinach;
- turnips;
- Zucchini;
- Eggplant.
For the effect of weight loss such products should be consumed raw, some of them can be boiled or steamed, but not fried in oil. The method of cooking also affects the calorie content, the glycemic index increases even when vegetables are cooked.
Fruits for burning fat, which improve metabolism
Fruits such as orange, grapefruit, tangerines, lemons contain large amounts of vitamin C, help improve metabolism. Pineapples contain bromelain, which promotes weight loss. Only fruits should also be consumed properly, later they will not lead to the effect of burning fat, on the contrary, the simple carbohydrates in the fruit (fructose) will be converted into fat. The benefits of fruit will be in the morning as snacks, they also include:
- apple;
- Cranberry;
- Mango;
- papaya;
- raspberry;
- Berry.
Biologically active additives (BAA)
Nutritional supplements are biologically active substances intended for food intake, supplements activate metabolic processes and improve the functions of organs and systems. Nutritional supplements are not drugs. Nutritional supplements are classified into dietary, vitamin complexes (metabolites, vitamins, minerals, amino acids), as well as functional foods, further enriched with active substances during the production process.
Despite their harmless properties and help to improve metabolism and general well-being, nutritional supplements can pose a health risk. The certification of food supplements is not finalized and many manufacturers include toxic substances that have not been tested or not tested at all. That is why we will consider this method of weight loss questionable.
Which fat burners are best for women
Medicines should be carefully studied before use to know the active substances and their effects on the body. Read the side effects. Drugs provide weight loss in different ways, the difference being the following: the effect on the central system, peripheral, energy stimulating action (noradrenergics), hormonal, psychotropic substances, appetite suppressants, laxatives and diuretics, hypoglycemic agents. It is worth considering whether it makes sense to use them and most importantly what side effects will arise from the use of the drug. Their action is largely questionable.
Important!Do not use over-the-counter medications.
Sports supplements
Sports supplements have passed many tests, are harmless. These include - full cycle amino acids, essential (BCAA), L-carnitine, vitamin complexes, Omega-3, fat and carbohydrate blockers. Supplements are not fat burners and do not contribute to the breakdown of fats, but their action is to provide the body with all the necessary substances that improve metabolic processes.
Natural fat burners for women
Nature has created products to improve metabolism and this should be used because they are allowed for almost everyone except gastrointestinal dysfunction. These include: ginger, chili, cinnamon, mustard, flax, dill, coriander. Spices improve blood circulation and stimulate metabolism.

Drinks for weight loss at home
- ginger tea, strengthens blood circulation, speeds up metabolism, helps speed up fat burning;
- energy drink with citrus fruits, a source of vitamin C to boost immunity, serves as a source of energy, it is recommended to consume before exercise;
- cocktail of kefir mixture with spices - ginger, paprika, cinnamon. A low-calorie drink that does not contain simple carbohydrates is well absorbed, improving digestion. The composition of spices improves blood circulation, accelerates lipolysis;
- green teacontains antioxidants. Contains a large amount of caffeine in its composition, which serves as an energy booster to combat obesity;
- Sassi water. It is recommended to be taken on an empty stomach and throughout the day. The water contains cucumber, lemon, mint, honey, ginger. The composition improves digestion and metabolism. Contains the antioxidant beta-carotene.
- cocktails based on tomato juice- low-calorie drink that allows you to saturate the body with a minimum of calories. Not recommended for people with high acidity.
- celery smoothie with apples, low-calorie drink. Contains fiber that improves bowel function.
- coffee with mint, orange, blueberry, kiwi or pineapple- an energy drink that allows you to speed up the process of burning fat, thanks to the caffeine content.

Teas for burning fat for weight loss
Slimming teas are sold only in pharmacies because they contain herbs and are also considered medicines. To lose weight, Chinese teas are produced: green, yellow, black, red; herbal preparations, roots and other ingredients. Teas have a dubious effect on weight loss, as they act as diuretics and even laxatives. Teas remove excess fluid, but do not affect fat burning. Such teas may include such components as: Chinese ephedra, chromium, comphor, horsetail, hibiscus.
Cocktails for burning fat at home
Green cocktail
Ingredients: 1 kiwi, 2 slices lemon, mint, parsley. Wash all ingredients, peel the kiwi, cut into circles. Separate the mint and parsley from the stems. Put everything in a blender, adding 100 ml of water.
Cocktail with kefir and cinnamon
Ingredients: a glass of 1% kefir, half a teaspoon of cinnamon and ginger, a pinch of paprika. All ingredients can be mixed with a spoon or beaten with a blender. The drink is ready to drink. The cocktail is ideal for drinking at night.
Cleansing cocktail with celery
Ingredients: celery stalk, 1 apple, 1 pear,¼ part cucumber, spinach leaves. Pass all the ingredients through a juicer, stir, add ice if desired. Recommended for use in the morning.
Rules for taking fat burners
Artificial fat burners in the form of supplements have a number of contraindications and side effects. Be careful, read the instructions before use. One of the most common side effects is irritability and insomnia, so it is best to take the medicine in the morning or before a workout. But never use it in the evening. If side effects such as arrhythmia, gastrointestinal dysfunction, etc. occur, discontinue the drug. Fat burners are taken for no more than a month, if necessary, after two weeks of rest, you can repeat the course. Thermogenic works well with L-carnitine. In the morning you can take thermogenic, and before training - L-carnitine.

The opinions of those who have used supplements to burn fat are similar - they give excellent results, especially in combination with proper nutrition and exercise.